7 Self-Care Affirmations You Can Use Each Week To Start Your Day Off Right

I hate to sound cliche but this year is really flying by, we’re already heading into our second week of the month and I’m excited. March means we are closer to warmer weather and longer days which is by far my favorite time of the year. Cold weather and 65% of darkness during the dayContinue reading “7 Self-Care Affirmations You Can Use Each Week To Start Your Day Off Right”

Five Surefire Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Day

Can I be honest? I have a love hate relationship with cliche sayings. They’re packed with a lot of useful meaning but they’re the phrase people use to prove a point all the time. In fact, I think cliche sayings are overused. I’m at the point where, when I hear them, I want to rollContinue reading “Five Surefire Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Day”

7 Must Have Self-Care Habits To Add To Your Routine

In January I mentioned that for the entire year my self-care challenges will be centered around a particular focus. To be more specific, they will be categorized under the five love languages. All of the challenges last month were centered around quality time and consist of some of the following self-care ideas: Taking a bubbleContinue reading “7 Must Have Self-Care Habits To Add To Your Routine”

Why We Lose Momentum and How We Can Maintain It

I got the idea from my Facebook group to write about Focus for the month of February for my Wellness Wednesday post. I posted a question and asked everyone what their focus will be for February, some of the responses I received were “time management,” “being more organized,” and “prioritizing time.” These are all veryContinue reading “Why We Lose Momentum and How We Can Maintain It”

Seven (Quality Time) Self-Care Ideas For Each Day This Week

If you read my blog religiously, then you know that the focus of this month’s challenges are centered around the love language of quality time. You can learn more about it in this blog post. This is the last Sunday in January which means it’s the last week of this self-care focus. Did any ofContinue reading “Seven (Quality Time) Self-Care Ideas For Each Day This Week”

Sex and Self-Care!

This topic has been on my mind for a while, but I just wasn’t sure how I wanted to approach it. Similar to the blog post I wrote about fitness, I knew I needed an expert in this field. Besides having the basic knowledge around this topic, I’m not an expert and wanted to provideContinue reading “Sex and Self-Care!”

The Ultimate Guide To Help You Master This One Thing

This is a quick overview of what I’ve covered for wellness Wednesday over the past month. I’ve been discussing acceptance in all forms. Acceptance of Change, Accepting Yourself, and Accepting What Is. I’ve mentioned earlier in the month that in the new year I wanted to focus on one topic for my wellness Wednesday postContinue reading “The Ultimate Guide To Help You Master This One Thing”

7 Ways To Self-Care This Week

What’s your favorite way to do self-care? I think for most people it’s mani/pedi, facials, massages, etc. I don’t think people usually classify activities such as de-cluttering their space, planning their day, doing breathing exercises, or managing their budget as self-care activities, but they can be. If it helps relieve stress, anxiety, and gets yourContinue reading “7 Ways To Self-Care This Week”

3 Customary Reasons To Help Us Successfully Accept Change

I’m a creature of habit, so I’m not really a fan of change. Once I get use to something I’m perfectly happy with keeping it as is. But I’ve gotten better at being more receptive to change, simply by changing my mindset and mentally coaching myself to accept change as it comes. Sometimes we don’tContinue reading “3 Customary Reasons To Help Us Successfully Accept Change”

Seven Unique Ways To Practice Self-Care

”Consider that your road to wellness may not just be for you. You never know who you can and will inspire through your actions.” —Kevin Curry. As I prepared to work on another week’s worth of self-care challenges, this quote spoke to me while I was reading the intro to a cookbook. I was atContinue reading “Seven Unique Ways To Practice Self-Care”